The ghost in the rear view mirror

A family member of mine, someone who I will remain nameless, told me of a story that has been happening..

Over the past several months as she was driving her car alone, a man appeared in her rear view mirror.. she said each time the man was in the passenger seat, when she looked closer and took more than a passing glance, he vanished from sight..

She tells me she has become used to it, that she is aware of him and he seemingly is aware of her.. She even tries to pretend she does not see him only to attempt to keep the entire thing lasting longer.. in a hope she will figure out just who the figure may be.

Of course, she feels this foray to the netherworld was a bit alarming.

The interesting thing she relayed to me, and the part that she couldn’t truly understand was as follows: When she first glanced at the man, or figure, she said that she recalled have a 100% recognition of who he was. As a matter fact, she said she thought to herself “hey what are you doing here”.. When she looked away and then re-locked her eyes back on the empty space the entity sat in milliseconds earlier, she had absolutely no recollection as to who he was or how she may have known him for that short instance.

She knew that she knew him, but only for the brief fleeting moment in time, and the memory of whoever he was with quickly gone again .. as far as he was.

There are a number of different theories in the paranormal world as to why someone or something would appear in your backseat as you are driving. Some believe that there is a message a spirit guide is attempting to get to you, others foresee such an occasion as a harbinger of some dreaded doom coming your way. And the best time to reach you is when you are alone in the car with your attention being divided between workings of your vehicle and throw it around, it is claimed ..

That being said, at least for my family member who experienced this is our set of paranormal circumstances, she’s rather dismiss the entire incident from thought. She did the first time. And then the second time it became harder..

I believe wholeheartedly in what she told me, . For me, I was able to judge the truthfulness of her story from the emphatic nature in her voice s she relayed it.. Even more, and the part that scared her the most, she has lost her ability to logically think through why this person in the mirror was there and what is haunting presence means for her.

The reason I am even typing up these occurrences for the general NIGHT TERROR NEWS readership is because I saw that tonight’s COAST TO COAST AM–thankfully tonight hosted by George Knapp instead of Noory--will feature Heidi Hollis as a guest to discuss the ‘hat man’ and the strange paranormal theory that a supernatural being is peering into people’s homes, cribs, and cars.. could my family member be seeing the same being? Someone peering, in her case, into her soul?

Of course, for that to make any sense, you may have to suspend your logic for a bit..
But in talking to the person in my family, she has lost no logic but yet has found herself suddenly venturing down a path of paranormal oddity and high strangeness..