Some other news of the day

Professor calls for UFO hearings..

Japan seals a ‘no go zone’ around nuclear plant..

Fracking and cracking: Race against the clock in Pennsylvania as work continues to stop fracking fluid from leaking at the site of a gas well spill.. Waste water spewed from the well and now officials are watching for fracking fluid in fresh streams and eventually rivers..
Driller temporary stops at Pennsylvania drill after the spill…


Cops say a women bit off more than she could shew when she tore her husband’s penis from his body with her teeth during an argument..

Woman denies biting off testicles..

Controvery in Malaysia as a boot camp has been set up for boys with ‘effeminate tendencies’..

A task force!? That’s it? Gas prices hitting $5 a gallon in many states–with prediction that $6 a gallon or higher will be coming this summer. A task force.. saving the day.

Lots of new real estate for the wealthy to live: 657 new islands found..

Paradox: The happiest states have the highest suicide rates..

Largest spider fossil found in volcanic ash..

The ozone “hole” over Antarctica could be increasing the amount of rainfall as far away as the subtropical regions of the southern hemisphere, according to a new study

Lady goes gaga: Gaga flips out over accusations that she copied music style off of Madonna..

Watch this case: Watching for the next nipple: The FCC is asking the Supreme Court to give them the power to levy fines for things they feel are indecent..

LEATHERFACE gets rebooted in 3D..