Others news from around the world

More than 17,000 farmers committed suicide in India during the year 2009–a 7% increase over the previous year..

Federal government trying to help farmers with ‘hoop houses’..

Analyst says: Beware massive food price increases..

Federal government: $14 trillion debt..

Detroit may be forced to closed down half of its public schools..

Major budget crises exist nationwide.. perhaps the only thing that is uniting Republican and Democrats is the fact that many of the states in the union are beginning to enter into a financial crisis in 2011..

China’s HU questions need for the once great American dollar..

Oil prices may surge beyond $100..

The killing of newborn babies on the rise in Pakistan..

Jared Loughner: More information revealed: He smoked pot, got immersed in World of Warcraft, and disliked George Bush.. His teenage life was similar to many others.. Those close to him said he had an intense interest in conspiracy theories.Among books he loved: Animal Farm, the Communist Manifesto, and Peter Pan..

Study results claim that beautiful people have higher IQs..

Is free will a myth? UK INDEPENDENT on the uncomfortable truth about mind control..

If only trees could talk: BBC reports that an extensive study of tree growth rings says there could be a link between the rise and fall of past civilisations and sudden shifts in Europe’s climate..

New shaking Apple to the core: Apple Inc. CEO Steve Jobs is taking his second medical leave of absence in two years..

Many from the LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy are going to return to New Zealand for Jackson’s THE HOBBIT..

Rolling on the river: Pair rescued after sex doll river ride..

Woman who was spreading her sister’s ashes in the ocean is swept out to sea and drowns!