What Is It Like for Blind People to Dream?

This is an amazing and fascinating article from Ozy.. people have a lot of correct assumptions and an equal amount of misconceptions about what it’s like to not only be blind, but to dream while blind. 

The full story:


But the money quote offered for your perspective:

Nightmares more often plagued the blind, though. About 25 percent of congenitally blind participants reported that at least one of their dreams was a nightmare, versus 7 percent of the later-onset blind group and 6 percent of sighted participants. At this point, it’s not clear why. But the researchers suspect that an explanation might lie in one theory that nightmares allow us to safely practice detecting and avoiding threats. Sure enough, the congenitally blind participants’ nightmares reflected the real-world threats they often face, like being run over by a car. Walders once dreamed about losing her guide dog. “I felt panicked and kept calling and calling her,” she recalled. “She’s like my baby.”

Senses other than sight seem to become more noteworthy for those who lack vision.. and the prospect of having a night terror without thr ability to see your way out of danger is haunting..

The article is a good read.