Amazingly good point, thank you for making it. People will now, because of all of these revelations about what SAMSUNG’s products (and others too) can do, they will be a little more fearful walking in their homes.. a little more self-censored. A little less themselves.. Even if people go by that awfully annoying motto “if you have nothing to fear you won’t be worried” nonsense, they will still act different knowing what their living room friend can hear.
I also think this: Red light cameras have led to less people picking their noses at red lights.. Think about it.
Also street light cams have led to quieter streets..
People, when they are being watched, act different.
I try to be myself no matter where.. But I certainly don’t want a third party knowing me THAT well..
Of course, I have a PHILLIPS. But I didn’t read their legal agreement .. I assume I’m being listened to as well.
Self-censorship is dangerous. Marching to the beat of ‘their’ drum, regardless of who ‘they’ are, is an insult to your character and your own personality. And it’s going to be more commonplace as our technology tracks our every move.