We posed this question to readers on Friday night on Facebook: When society and restaurants reopen, where would YOU want to dine first.. 

We assume that restaurants will reopen again. Making a big assumption, perhaps..? Even here in Pennsylvania, as Governor Tom Wolf moves certain counties from red to yellow, dine in options are still not permitted. Only take out and curbside is the means of dining at this time. Many other states, however, already are endeavoring onto the path of reopening. And that includes diners and table service eateries.

With limitations.

One potential reality of our future dining environment will be less crowded restaurants and more social distancing.. Some locations already are planning for 50% or less capacity.

So ..

What to do when you’re facility will be mandated to only have 50% capacity!?



A creepy house of mannequins is born!

A very popular restaurant in the D.C. area, the Inn at Little Washington, is going to get a remake in time for the era of social distancing.

The Inn is a 5 star, 5 diamond, 3 Michelin star hotel and dining, and thanks to an ingenious idea it is getting a viral-worthy amount of free press on social media.

Ann Limpert explains this in the Washingonian

Instead of letting tables sit vacant, the whimsical chef plans to outfit his dining rooms with mannequins. That’s right, life-size human dolls—kind of like that scene in Home Alone when Kevin throws a mannequin holiday party to fool the burglars. The chef (who majored in drama in college) has been working with Shirlington’s Signature Theatre to get the faux humans costumed in 1940s-era garb.

Servers will be instructed to pour them wine and to ask them about their evening. Here’s hoping the actual diners don’t have any doll phobias.

It is a strange experiment for sure..

One that resembles more the movie HOUSE OF WAX or that creepy episode of the Twilight Zone when everything and every person in town was made of plastic.

In that particular episode of the Twilight Zone entitled STOPOVER IN A QUIET TOWN, (do your best Rod Serling voice now,)

“Bob and Millie Frazier, average young New Yorkers who attended a party in the country last night and on the way home took a detour. Most of us on waking in the morning know exactly where we are; the rooster or the alarm clock brings us out of sleep into the familiar sights, sounds, aromas of home and the comfort of a routine day ahead. Not so with our young friends. This will be a day like none they’ve ever spent – and they’ll spend it in the Twilight Zone.”

They discover that the house is mostly props: the telephone has no connection, the cabinetry is merely glued-on facing, the refrigerator is filled with plastic food. They hear a girl’s laughter and go outside to find the child. But town is deserted. They find a stuffed squirrel, search for help in a vacant church, and ring the bell in the church’s bell tower to attract attention. When no one comes, the increasingly desperate couple discovers even the trees are fake and the grass is papier-mâché.

It ends up that they are trapped in a tiny doll house village where a large giant …little girl.

And this Twilight Zone known now as reality has all brought us into a stopover in a quiet town..


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If you thought THAT was creepy, try this!


A South Carolina restaurant will ensure social distancing with blow up dolls!


You heard that right..

A restaurant in South Carolina is using blow-up dolls to ensure social distancing. South Carolina is one of several states that started easing their lockdowns about two weeks ago, allowing reopenings by establishments ranging from shopping malls in Texas to gyms, bars and restaurants.



According to WBTW, the Open Hearth in Taylors also wanted their restaurant to look as full as possible, so the owners ordered 10 blow-up dolls and dressed them like patrons, complete with wigs.  The owners said they’re also using disposable menus and making sure employees wear masks.

From mannequins to blow up dolls.. Perhaps you can find your dining fit based on the type of fake customer in a seat?

Local affiliate WYFF reports, 

Owner Paula Starr Melehes says they wanted to make the restaurant look as full as it could while still observing social distancing restrictions implemented over the COVID-19 pandemic.

So, she ordered 10 blow-up dolls – “the G-rated kind” – from Amazon for about $140.

Pretty good bargain!


I would assume as some people catch on that dining locations will soon be introducing fake customers to the line up, price gouging is sure to occur!

So far these are the only two restaurants getting national attention for creative use of social distancing measures. But as more locations open, the weird and creepy trend may continue in lockstep.

Perhaps we can assume that a number of people got their ideas from a one Kevin McAllister around the year 1990.
