The amazing things that happen when you’re busy making other plans. Four years on..

The John Lennon song still is true.. there are things in life that remind you you’re not in charge. Such an event occurred February 2011 when my wife went into labor after watching a Cosby Show rerun with me around 3am–the witching hour. She had our son, Ayden Morris, near 1pm hours later..

From that moment on my life changed and it continues to do so. 

Being a father is amazing. Rewarding.. challenging.. And honestly the best job I’ve ever had. And one I have to do–my wife feels the same way about motherhood. We are called to act each and every day. And even when he goes to bed each night, we still watch from the corner of our eyes to make sure he’s safe and sound.

And today, Ayden is four.

I can’t honestly believe how quick time has passed.

I think it was about two years ago that I wrote on this website that I intended on writing a book about fatherhood. I still want to. I started it.. I suppose it’s never too late. Information about parenting really doesn’t change, does it?