A painful sugarfree stomach

I am a little bit of it Altoids addict, I pop them like candy. Well I guess they are candy, but they are curiously strong candies that I seem to have no version eating one after the other the entire tin cans gone.

So that is why my wife figured it would be good to buy me the many candies as opposed to the regular size, something to help cut down my addiction..

Last night I ate an entire small can of Altoids.. they tasted a little bit different they still have the kick that I needed.

And it made my stomach turn to rot.
I could not believe the pains I having and the gastrointestinal issues only five minutes after eating my last one..

That’s when I did my due diligence, looked at the can, and realized that the mini candies are sugarfree, replacing that sugar and corn syrup goodness with dangerous aspartame..

I swore off fake sugar and artificial sweeteners years ago, and every time I have anything that contains aspartame I get immediate headaches and stomach pains. Last night I cursed Donald Rumsfeld as I tried to fall asleep, knowing that the deal worked out back last century led to this rat poison being in my body..

This morning I stopped at my local convenience store and bought a large box of Altoids.. they have sugar and I’m grateful for that.