Police: Australian baseball player killed by Oklahoma teens — just because

The term ‘senseless violence’ means just that.. And to see a 22-year-old kid from another country come to America just to be killed “just because” by teenagers, is awful..

Disgusting, as a matter of fact.

You know, my dad has often said something that is beginning to make sense to me.. Keep in mind he’s a BACK TO THE FUTURE lover.. But he said, sometimes this planet feels ‘like Biff stole the playbook.’ It just doesn’t seem right.. like there’s something ‘off’ about our world..

Did Biff steal that playbook? 

There is no point, ever, to violence …especially this kind.

I cannot even imagine what the family of Christopher Lane must be feeling today.. There is certainly no reason he should be dead tonight.

Police: Australian baseball player killed by Oklahoma teens — just because