Snakes, nuns, Satan worshippers, no one does St. Paddy like San Francisco

Snakes, nuns, Satan worshippers, no one does St. Paddy like San Francisco: It’s said that St. Patrick’s revelers thought wearing green made them invisible to leprechauns, who would pinch anyone they could see (anyone not wearing green). People began pinching those who didn’t wear green as a reminder that leprechauns would sneak up and pinch … Read moreSnakes, nuns, Satan worshippers, no one does St. Paddy like San Francisco

Robert Kirkman’s exorcism drama ‘Outcast’ shocks SXSW audience

Robert Kirkman’s exorcism drama ‘Outcast’ shocks SXSW audience : From the report: The Walking Dead creator debuted his new series Outcast at the South by Southwest film festival on Monday. The upcoming Cinemax series is adapted from Kirkman’s comic about demonic possession and exorcism.  The first episode’s climactic exorcism scene involves – spoiler alert for those who … Read moreRobert Kirkman’s exorcism drama ‘Outcast’ shocks SXSW audience

The Beach Boys and Charles Manson: How the 60s band invited in a serial killer

The Beach Boys and Charles Manson: How the 60s band invited in a serial killer: A good tale about why not to pick up hitchhikers. And a lot more. I am fascinated by a growing number of younger people of didn’t know a thing (understood) and didn’t learn a thing in school (not understood) about … Read moreThe Beach Boys and Charles Manson: How the 60s band invited in a serial killer

Media mogul Dmitry Itskov plans to live forever by uploading his personality to a robot

Media mogul Dmitry Itskov plans to live forever by uploading his personality to a robot: Web entrepreneur Dmitry Itskov is behind the “2045 Initiative”, an ambitious experiment to bring about immortality within the next 30 years by creating a robot capable of storing human personalities. The group of neuroscientists, robot builders and consciousness researchers say … Read moreMedia mogul Dmitry Itskov plans to live forever by uploading his personality to a robot