Fukushima causes mutations & DNA damage with ‘no end in sight’ – Greenpeace

Fukushima causes mutations & DNA damage with ‘no end in sight’ – Greenpeace: We are just about at another anniversary of the giant Japan quake and tsunami and nuclear disaster at Fukushima.. While the world pays little attention to the long term effects of radiation Greenpeace did. And the report is startling. Greenpeace warns against … Read moreFukushima causes mutations & DNA damage with ‘no end in sight’ – Greenpeace

scarystoriestouploadinthedark: NASA spots farthest galaxy,…

scarystoriestouploadinthedark: NASA spots farthest galaxy, breaks cosmic distance record .. a major step back in time.. a really huge galaxy formed only 200 or 300 million years after the supposed big bang? “Our spectroscopic observations reveal the galaxy to be even further away than we had originally thought, right at the distance limit of what … Read morescarystoriestouploadinthedark: NASA spots farthest galaxy,…

scarystoriestouploadinthedark: LOUNGING ON A BED OF NAILS IN…

scarystoriestouploadinthedark: LOUNGING ON A BED OF NAILS IN STYLE. A good set of historical photos can be accessed here on how it does not have to be scary, just use physics and you’ll be fine. You can learn just like any circus stuntman..  With the performer’s body weight distributed across hundreds of nails, no single nail … Read morescarystoriestouploadinthedark: LOUNGING ON A BED OF NAILS IN…

uclear tests and long-range missile tests that have placed a satellite into orbit are proof of some of its technical capabilities. But given the opaqueness of the North Korean regime, it’s difficult to get clear answers to those questions.

uclear tests and long-range missile tests that have placed a satellite into orbit are proof of some of its technical capabilities. But given the opaqueness of the North Korean regime, it’s difficult to get clear answers to those questions.

Mysterious chimpanzee behaviour could be ‘sacred rituals’ and show that chimps believe in a god

Mysterious chimpanzee behaviour could be ‘sacred rituals’ and show that chimps believe in a god: No opinions to render but the scientific information presented in this UK paper’s report is a little more than interesting.. The scientist described seeing the behaviour through cameras that were set up to watch the chimpanzees. They saw them assembling … Read moreMysterious chimpanzee behaviour could be ‘sacred rituals’ and show that chimps believe in a god