THE HI-WAY DRIVE IN: The forgotten passion pit on Route 61

People driving through Fountain Springs during the 1980s and 1990s may recall some old graffiti.. Some scorned lover at the time used the old Hi-Way Drive-in sign along Route 61 to advertise his (or her?) love for Sandy.. To this day we don’t know who painted it.. we don’t know who Sandy was. And we will maybe never know if it was a match secured, or love lost.. Just photos remain now, with all remnants and memories of this once amazing drive-in forever forfeited to history.

This is the tale of the passion pit on route 61.

The Peach Lady and the lost files of 9/11

History can indeed be forgotten.

And that old adage that whatever you post online is there forever is clearly NOT true. Just ask Myspace users. Just as Geocities users. Just as AOL Instant Messangers and ICQ chatters..  And there may be a few ten minute best of VINEs on Youtube.. but millions of others are gone for good.

The peach lady is a symbol of how things can go into the trash heap.


A day in the life of Interstate 81

There is no intention to ‘blame the driver’ for what occurred today on I81, but there is something to be said about a “water cooler” conversation as of late.. have people become worse drivers since the pandemic shutdowns?

It seems like since the “reopening” after shutdowns, people forget their teenage lessons about red lights..stop signs.. speeding.. and yes, safety. Not just on highways, either.. but local roads. Rural roads.. parking lots!! Can people even park anymore!?