Post apocalyptic mall retail: The revenge of main street

For those born in the 1980s and beyond, we don’t know much of the amazing main streets that once existed. We see boarded up dilapidated evidence that it was there.. But we only new malls. People pondered if malls would kill main street. They did. Now main street got its revenge.. malls are dying too. Sadly it’s too far gone for main street to even think about a comeback, at least in most places.

Vacant buildings and what to do about them

These are the big three.. but they don’t end there.. There are countless properties like these..

So what do we do?
Where do we go from here?

Are these eyesores just going to stay where they are? Remain as they were..? relics of a time gone, and no changes coming to change then, reestablish them, or raze them?

The ghosts of Ashland PA Christmas trees past

In the case of the Ashland PA Christmas tree, perhaps we can look to that tree as a good thing.. after all it could be worse!

On December 3, 1986, fierce winds that rolled through the area actually blew down the town Christmas tree. One hundred of the light globes got damaged as well.