Your phone will never be a lifeline in a nightmare
Dreams and nightmares on Halloween…
Do you see your phone in your dream? If not… you are not alone. For the most part, no one does…
Dreams and nightmares on Halloween…
Do you see your phone in your dream? If not… you are not alone. For the most part, no one does…
In an attempt to sift through rumor and incorrect information, I researched the pig brain experiment so you didn’t have to–but you so much should.. Here are the facts: A team of neuroscientists at Yale School of Medicine, led by Nenad Sestan, last week reported that they had managed to revive brains from pigs that had … Read moreFRANKENSWINE NIGHTMARES
The witching hour has struck again.. The dream that turns into a nightmare.. just in time for 3am to show its ugly Face on the clock.. Let me explain.. for those who haven’t read NIGHT TERROR NEWS for any bit before this post, you may not realize that I have a theory that most bad … Read moreThe piano man strikes at 3am: A nightmare set to music of the mind
I blast my dreams to the world from time to time. At least those which mean something, or perhaps do.. The other evening I had one such type of dream–one that seemingly meant something just because I recalled it so vividly.. I am not going to re-broadcast this with any bias, nor religious bent. I … Read moreDreams of my Father?
It has been some time since I spoke in depth about personal night terrors I have had.. one such dream occurred only nights ago, actually the day after Christmas. I came down with some sort of ailment, I cannot say it was the flu or food poisoning, but instead appeared to be a nasty stomach … Read moreA high fever and a night terror.. picking your poison at 3am
Headset uses brainwaves to edit video, giving you a glimpse of dreams » Manchester-based animator, Richard Ramchurn, has adapted a headset (picutred) developed by NeuroSky so wearers can edit video using brainwaves to produce a ‘dreamlike film’. This—if it really works—would be amazing.. I would love beyond my wildest dreams (pun intended) to be able … Read moreWHAT DREAM RECORDINGS MAY COME
Even though I have stated repeatedly that I do not want politics consuming my life, last night I had a dream about Michelle Obama. During the dream, she was making a speech to a convention of the party faithful, and was sarcastically joking about making children in school lunches eat frog soup.. During the dream, … Read moreUNCLE SAM and the apathetic election: Frog legs thrown in for fun
What is up is down and what is down is up. Nothing makes sense now.. all that once did has been trampled by the fierce weight of the modern age. That seems to be the common sentiment among many people I talk to anymore, this notion that everything that was once true has suddenly become … Read moreMr. Leeds is watching: Upside down and hell all around
Sometimes the most frightening night terrors occur in a vast puddle of the mundane. The boring.. the dull.. Nightmares can surround themselves around the topics of monsters, Slender-men, demons or ghosts.. but there are those dreams that come about, the type I had last night, where I could not escape the boring but yet disturbing.. … Read moreThe piano played on: A Nightmare on Mundane Street