The video is horrendous. Many people were weeping and trembling in fear as the cabin of a JetBlue flight began to fill with smoke. To make matters more troubling to the senses, there are audible tears of babies rising in the background through the thick smoke in the video.. The flight crew was warning everyone to brace themselves before a potential crash landing.. and a star of TWILIGHT, Jackson Rathbone, was recording on his camera for the world to–hopefully–eventually see..
My son graduated Kindergarten today. It was an immensely important day in his life. Mine as well along with my wife. The time passes by fast. Without going traveling down the age old trap of Nostalgia Highway, let me simply state for the record that if I had the power, I would lasso the earth … Read moreTHE LION ROARS INTO KINDERGARTEN!
Time 1. Library 0
In the purity of the 2016 prediction that books are going to make a triumphant return to our collective lives in the world, me and my entire family joined the library! Very exciting stuff.. It was actually pretty awsome to see my son pick out some of his own books that he wanted to take … Read moreTime 1. Library 0
New Years dissolutions
The final few days of shopping are here..The last chances to wrap gifts.. Tis the season for small annoyances, like bad traffic or office Christmas parties where someone you never expected would get a bit too tipsy, or offensive. I have often thought that often co-workers (sometimes family, too), aren’t people you pick. They aren’t … Read moreNew Years dissolutions
A never ending time slip
I think that when there are outside stresses on someone’s mind, the mind itself begins to bend a bit. Perhaps even open up to other worldly thoughts.. maybe the very existence of order is tarnished, or tattered. Perhaps, at times if the stresses are so great, the notions of what one finds important in life … Read moreA never ending time slip
Father and son photographic reunion..
When I was 3 and a half, I was featured in a book. There was a full-spread page with a photo of me leaning up against a borehole in the town of Centralia, smoke was billowing from the background and a group of teenagers were running from the camera–one may have been my brother. The … Read moreFather and son photographic reunion..
When mediocre is chosen
There are times when you’re upset by your turmoils and troubles–moments when you feel like you’re at the center of the world.. where you’re the actor on the giant stage.. Suddenly, though, you realize that the planet will go on without you. You notice finally, after much ado about nothing, that your stage is filled … Read moreWhen mediocre is chosen
Euros from heaven?
A family member of mine, name and official title nameless at this point, told me a strange story of a bizarre nature. She swears by it, and I can relay it only with this caveat: She comes with a strong mind, a strong will, and an amazing ability to sense things that others may not. … Read moreEuros from heaven?