I am excited! I just found out that the 2013 short film LIGHTS…

I am excited! I just found out that the 2013 short film LIGHTS OUT will be a movie coming July of this year! Now they are making a long film about the same story .. it’s in post-production right and currently set for a July 2016 release. And no time better than now to celebrate … Read moreI am excited! I just found out that the 2013 short film LIGHTS…

The Krampus spirit

KRAMPUS has been getting negative reviews.. nasty tomatoes thrown from some critics, even. Both professional and amateur movie reviewers alike have presented a mixed bag of thoughts regarding this film. But I never care about reviews until I actually see a film for myself.    There are a few Christmas films that stand out to … Read moreThe Krampus spirit

My son asked me about horror movies and I didn’t know what to say

Ever since childhood, I recall having horror movies somehow in my life. Pop cultural icons of the 1980s included HE-MAN and ALF, and Freddy Krueger as well. Entertainment news was saturated with the blood of slasher flicks. There was no escape. Nightmare on Elm Street had multiple parts. As did Jason Vorhees’ seemingly yearly trips … Read moreMy son asked me about horror movies and I didn’t know what to say

GREEN INFERNO may be a re-start of horror for the new generation

WASHINGTON POST reports how Eli Roth plots a new way ahead for horror films.. » Good article. My thoughts: I may not always appreciate the actual type of horror given to us by Eli Roth, but it’s creative and new.. it’s also, as the WASHINGTON POST says, paving the way for horror films of the … Read moreGREEN INFERNO may be a re-start of horror for the new generation


When I was a young pre-teen in the 1980s, NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET part 3, the DREAM WARRIORS, sort of changed my conception of horror.. it became campy, silly and fun.. Yes, Freddy was a menacing creature, whose background was that of a child molester and killer, but somehow Robert Englund turned Wes Craven’s character … Read moreTHE NIGHTMARE THAT WASN’T

Horror shock: Wes Craven dead at 76

The horror world shocked. Wes Craven dead this Sunday night after a battle with brain cancer.. He was 76. And he changed the landscape of cinema.. He forever altered pop culture with his HILLS that had eyes and Freddy that stalked dreams in NIGHTMARES. He gave us SCREAMs.. and endless movie marathon nights with his … Read moreHorror shock: Wes Craven dead at 76

The risk of horror movies inspired by true events

Horror movie inspired by real Isla Vista killings sparks outrage, and a petition to stop the release Director Shaun Hart writes, “While I do admit there is the connection of Santa Barbara, this film is not about Elliot Rodger” /// MORE.. 20,000 sign petition to stop release of DEL PLAYA.. This type of event should … Read moreThe risk of horror movies inspired by true events


I have long believed that horror movies and professional wrestling are pop cultural examples of any given time or generation.. I have believed that, still do, and will always. As an example, as quick as I can explain, Hulk Hogan was the hero of the 1980s. Pure. Americana.. vitamins. The secrets of the 80s era … Read moreBLOODY MISTAKES

M NIGHT not so Wayward in new show

For years, the legendary M Night Shyamalan has lost his luster.. gone were the hits and surprise endings.. And in were the critics who slammed him for lame story lines and hackneyed tales and fables. WAYWARD PINES was different.. Since the inception of the show, ratings were strong. Viewers seemingly have become content with NIGHT’s … Read moreM NIGHT not so Wayward in new show