Stranger things: Interview with a Centralia director

Before beginning, a few tidbits of information need revealing. I was born and raised in Centralia. At least for a time, until my family was forced out along with many others in the 1980s. The time was strange.. as a child, it felt surreal. Upended.. odd…last minute rites to a town that was. And as … Read moreStranger things: Interview with a Centralia director

The 33-year-old photo, signed sealed and delivered

In May of 2015, I posted a photograph of my son Ayden in a store that was closing in my mall. In the article, I mentioned how similar the photo looked to one taken of me, when I was three years old, in Centralia Pennsylvania.  I have the photograph of myself.  I did not publish it … Read moreThe 33-year-old photo, signed sealed and delivered