Tetrad -idatious over September offerings 

This month is THE month for many.. the month of doom. The month of blood moons.. the month of Papal lunacy. The month of potential prophetic biblical fulfillment. Or maybe.. just September for others.     Unless you’ve lived under a tin-foil covered rock, you have heard about the endless amounts of websites and blogs portraying … Read moreTetrad -idatious over September offerings 


There are two schools of thought on Pope Francis. In one corner, the hardcore fans who believe he has assumed the right hand of Christ on earth, people who think his lectures about global warning and poverty are long overdue, and that he is a savior of the modern era.. one that will create a … Read moreTHE GREAT POPE-MANICIPATOR

The strange Mexican exorcism: Clyde Lewis’ must listen to show tonight

Radio host Clyde Lewis is offering a must listen to program as I write this post. If you are reading it afterwards, you can always find the show on the Soundcloud page for Ground Zero. Lewis wrote an article that accompanies tonight’s broadcast.. the topic seemingly bizarre.. but it has been stolen from the headlines … Read moreThe strange Mexican exorcism: Clyde Lewis’ must listen to show tonight