The NEW YORK TIMES finally acknowledges the death of Debra Hill
After all these years. the NYT finally prints #DebraHill Obit.. Five more Months till Halloween Halloween Halloween. Hurry Up Children get your Masks before the Dead GIVE AWAY!!!!
After all these years. the NYT finally prints #DebraHill Obit.. Five more Months till Halloween Halloween Halloween. Hurry Up Children get your Masks before the Dead GIVE AWAY!!!!
The Mercey House in Ashland has brought renewed attention to Robert Spencer.. hated by some.. called the “Angel of Ashland” by others
The scene was stunning: The world was glued to coverage on cable news networks and streaming live video on the Internet: Notre-Dame in Paris was burning.. flames were red hot and billowing smoke was ruining what otherwise looked like a perfect day of blue skies in Paris… Some on the NET likened the image to … Read moreHoly week goes to hell: Notre-Dame up in smoke in Paris blaze!
What we learned today in the Pat Murphy saga: Megan Hall is MAGEN HALL
Strange incident at AREA 51 leads to shooting and death of suspect with “cylindrical object”
In the spirit of the long-held love of scary ghost stories of Christmases long long ago.. scary tales of Christmases now for your enjoyment..
In the last few decades, perhaps one of the most interesting Victorian Christmas traditions has been almost completely lost from memory: The telling of frightening ghost stories in the cold and dark air on Christmas Eve..
Making the table great again? Food fears on the eve of Thanksgiving
A gloomy rainy night and the Cardinal Brennan haunted house go so well together.