Strange incident at AREA 51 leads to shooting and death of suspect with “cylindrical object”

According to a press release , at 5:18 pm local time on January 28, an unidentified male sped through a security checkpoint at the entrance to the secret Area 51 government site. Both the Nye County Sheriff’s Office and the NNSS Security Protective Force Officers pursued the man in a high speed chase for eight miles..

According to the NNSS, the man got out of his car and began approaching security officials carrying an unknown “cylindrical object.” The man did not respond to officers’ verbal commands and was shot and pronounced dead..

The FBI is also investigating..

The press release is vague and mysterious… no word on the identity of the man or what the cylindrical item in question was…

The closely guarded facility, previously known as the Nevada Proving Grounds, covers almost 1,400 square miles of desert in the western state, and was the site of hundreds of nuclear weapons tests during the Cold War.

It is also the site of UFO lure and conspiracy theories of intergalactic nature!

One of the most famous moments in radio history came in the late 1990s when a supposedly frantic former employee of Area 51 called Art Bell to warn him up impending doom to the planet!

Another fun conspiracy theory goes like this:

Golfing buddies, President Richard Nixon and Jackie Gleason.

In an interview with Jackie Gleason’s second wife, Beverly McKittrick, by Esquire Magazine about a book she was planning to write, she revealed that Gleason had told her that Nixon had shown Gleason alien bodies. The story goes that Gleason arrived home unusually late on the evening of February 19, 1973. Worried, McKittrick questioned his whereabouts. She said in the interview that his face looked “haggard”, and that he said he had been to Homestead Air Force Base and had seen alien bodies. He described them as small, “only about two feet tall, with bald heads and disproportionately large ears.”

And finally, just last year, MIDNIGHT IN THE DESERT and Coal Speaker friend HEATHER WADE stated that she planned on convening a group of fans at Area 51 and marching inside the military base!! Something that worried fans stated would get her and the rest of the group killed on site!

Heather Wade has recently vanished from radio and become quiet on Facebook. No word on whether her or someone else organized the recent “cylindrical object” invasion..