The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight

As this post is written, there are only 5 days left until Christmas. That is four shopping days. four/five food prep days.. Six stressful days of work, COVID-19 fears, and also wrapping. Santa can’t do it all, after all..

So we travel back in time and see headlines of the past… headlines of tumult and hope.

And you can decide.. Are you the kind of person who signs, who sees miracles. Or do you believe that people just get lucky…

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The Groundhog’s predictable prediction

We had one snow storm a few weeks ago that dropped a whopping 3 inches… A storm of so little importance in the scheme of things, but this winter was the most memorable!

The surprise snow squalls in late December were much more dangerous and intense than any ‘storm’ we had since..

This weekend is no different. There were hopeful rumors that a Groundhog Day snow even would blanket Punxsutawney and blend well with the celebrations that the town endures yearly ..

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