The last longest day of the year. Or is it the longest LAST day of the year?

Today–the longest day of the year–is the summer solstice. These beautiful summer days were the sun’s gorgeous light long lasts into the night.. when fireflies erupt in a spirited dance of lights.. Yes, the days get shorted from here–slowly at first, and then they steamroll away in August. But this first partial day of summer, … Read moreThe last longest day of the year. Or is it the longest LAST day of the year?

Now that the government is staying open, on to real news: Rob Simone hosting Coast to Coast AM Sunday, speaking with a former CNN news reporter about Edgar Cayce’s visions of a pole shift

Now that the government is staying open, on to real news: Rob Simone hosting Coast to Coast AM Sunday, speaking with a former CNN news reporter about Edgar Cayce’s visions of a pole shift