When predictive programming probably isn’t

Here is some cool conspiracy for your Sunday.. The theory behind this video: Predictive programming in BACK TO THE FUTURE. The YOUTUBE video is well done, it gives us in depth coverage of Marty’s “Twin Pines” mall warnings about terrorists, and constant 9/11’s appearing in the movie.. of course numbers had to be inverted for … Read moreWhen predictive programming probably isn’t

An ex-FBI agent makes quite the statement in a new book: She says when she responded to Pennsylvania crash site on 9/11, she saw angels

Lilli Leonardi said: “They were dressed as if they were in warrior garb like a Roman centurion, and there were so many of them, you couldn’t see their faces” An ex-FBI agent makes quite the statement in a new book: She says when she responded to Pennsylvania crash site on 9/11, she saw angels


Amazing: “Under the terms of last year’s health compensation law for first responders to the 9/11 terror attacks, would-be beneficiaries have to submit to FBI background checks to verify that they are not themselves terrorists. The provision places applicants’ names and personal information in a file to be cross-checked with the FBI’s Terror Watch list before … Read moreKICKING WORLD TRADE CENTER DUST INTO THE EYES OF RESCUE WORKERS

A new and chilling 9/11 tape emerges from the vantage point of a NYPD helicopter

According to Gawker:  The National Institute of Standards and Technology requested the 17-minute video through the Freedom of Information Act, and the video was sent anonymously to the secret-sharing website Cryptome.. Cryptome has famously led the way in posting secret government documents throughout the years–much longer in operation than Wikileaks as well.. A new and chilling … Read moreA new and chilling 9/11 tape emerges from the vantage point of a NYPD helicopter