Welcome to the machine: SIRI is listening to you having sex!

Apple contractors regularly hear confidential medical information, drug deals, and recordings of couples having sex, as part of their job providing quality control, or “grading”, the company’s Siri voice assistant, the Guardian has learned! Source for the information: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2019/jul/26/apple-contractors-regularly-hear-confidential-details-on-siri-recordings MORE.. An  anonymous current company insider and whistleblower told The Guardian: “There have been countless instances of recordings … Read moreWelcome to the machine: SIRI is listening to you having sex!

The wired future.. I will make my prediction for the record.

Not to be outdone by Google, APPLE is now hinting that you will soon be able to wear their technology.. which propels me to re-re-re-state my prediction from ten years back concerning wearable devices. At some point in our near future we will have technology implanted. Your phone will be your hand. Your brain will be wired … Read moreThe wired future.. I will make my prediction for the record.

Apple records and keeps users’ Siri queries for up to 2 years

Great .. Now Apple keeps record of me searching for crimes about women tearing off their boyfriends’ penises and how to make zambiolone .. And why didn’t Apple tell anyone this!? Sorry Siri. We are through. I’ll stick to Google so the NSA can get my searches, like it should be. Apple records and keeps … Read moreApple records and keeps users’ Siri queries for up to 2 years

To provide the high quality products and services that its customers demand, Apple must have access to the comprehensive location-based information Apple’s General Counsel Bruce Sewall in a letter to Congress, after lawmakers first questioned why iPhones and other products from Apple are keeping so many files about people hidden on products..