Midnight fading on the desert? Heather Wade posts ominous message

MIDNIGHT IN THE DESERT host Heather Wade posted what appears to be a potentially ominous message for fans of the late night radio show..She wrote that she is unsure how long the program may last. She gave a heartfelt thank you to all who gave support.. and finally finished by saying it was the most … Read moreMidnight fading on the desert? Heather Wade posts ominous message

It’s a golden era for conspiracy theories. The Internet has made it possible to get “facts” about nearly everything, from the moon landing being fake to the Earth being flat

It’s a golden era for conspiracy theories. The Internet has made it possible to get “facts” about nearly everything, from the moon landing being fake to the Earth being flat: Good article. But by far my favorite sentence: Now that conspiracy theories are on everybody’s Facebook wall as opposed to lamp posts and crank phone … Read moreIt’s a golden era for conspiracy theories. The Internet has made it possible to get “facts” about nearly everything, from the moon landing being fake to the Earth being flat

Art Bell sues Michael Savage! Radio host’s joke enrages Bell family

The suit, filed WEDNESDAY in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of CALIFORNIA, alleges that on SEPTEMBER 25th, SAVAGE defamed the couple with the comment, “You say UFOs, you wind up in the PHILIPPINES with a 10-year-old hooker and you are off the radio after a number of years. You can’t do UFOs. That’s … Read moreArt Bell sues Michael Savage! Radio host’s joke enrages Bell family


‘Redacted” never showed her face on Bellgab. Since being the host of MIDNIGHT IN THE DESERT, Heather Wade continued the tradition of shadowy mystique.. Something may have changed her mind this weekend. On Facebook, Heather Wade unredacted herself to show her face to the world at large.. Her biggest fear was revealing her face. Perhaps … Read moreHEATHER WADE REVEALED

Bell sit down: Will he come back?

After months of intrigue and controversy since Art Bell left his radio show MIDNIGHT IN THE DESERT, he sat down on the GABCAST with BellGab’s Michael Vandeven.. Vandeven opened the show with a hope the program will become one you can  listen to 20 years from now. He succeeded in that regard. The show is … Read moreBell sit down: Will he come back?


The famed talk show host put a message on Facebook tonight: Help me find the stalker who pushed me off the air.. Bell wrote, I will offer $20,000.00 to anybody providing information leading to the Arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the Stalking Terror resulting in my Leaving the air from … Read moreART BELL SHOWS THE MONEY– AND QUITS SOCIAL MEDIA