‘Horror’ with a realistic twist: The villain is something that hurts us all

I read a headline this morning with some interest.. CNN put a story about a new ‘horror’ movie, with horror in quotes, on their main page. The entire article was political in nature, though.. the meat of the subject, a few paragraphs in, got to the movie they were speaking of.. FROM CNN: For a … Read more‘Horror’ with a realistic twist: The villain is something that hurts us all

Some banker news that may raise eyebrows

Correlations/ causation/ instigations/ I know nothing more than the facts reported in the following set of news links. Your job is to figure out what is related or not related when it comes to a global view of news:  Bank gives warning: A disaster preparedness drill may disrupt real banking.. TOP LEVEL BANKERS COMMIT SUICIDE IN LONDON.. London rocked … Read moreSome banker news that may raise eyebrows