NEW HAMPSHIRE RESULTS: The establishment loses

Pundits are going to opine within the next several hours about what the results of tonight’s NEW HAMPSHIRE primary means.. in the mean time, I will reflect a bit on what it means.. It means that a 74-year-old socialist from Vermont is appealing to people in a nation that once wanted to elect another socialist … Read moreNEW HAMPSHIRE RESULTS: The establishment loses

Bernie won all the focus groups and online polls — so why is the media saying Hillary won the debate?

The same reason that Ron Paul won all of the Republican debates in 08 and 12 but was never credited for it. People who have true passions and beliefs are so often .. well.. ignored. The mainstream wants who they want. And they don’t want Bernie, the same as they didn’t want Ron Paul. The … Read moreBernie won all the focus groups and online polls — so why is the media saying Hillary won the debate?