bird flu
7-year-old girl is the latest to suffer bird flu in China.. fear grows.. Alert in Hong Kong.. Report on deaths from bird flu underscore how grim and serious the situation could become..
Rumors in China say that the United States created their bird flu. Fears in the rest of the world now that the bird flu may turn into the 1918 of 2013.. Nothing to fear? US races to create bird flu vaccine.. just in case. H7N9 has Tamiflu resistance..
New deadly bird flu virus infects at least 20 in China
Watching this one closely. 1918 here we come? Or a false alarm ..? We will see… New deadly bird flu virus infects at least 20 in China
This is when science annoys me.. seriously guys, you are still going to create highly infectious bird flu?
Obama! Come on! have some more sense. Captain Trips SHOULD NOT exist.. This is when science annoys me.. seriously guys, you are still going to create highly infectious bird flu?