All of this is not to say that corporations won’t make money on Black Friday and that people are done Christmas shopping. Quite the opposite. Companies have slickly entered the market place of ideas in the tech era, making often even larger profits than when we all got in cars and went to malls. But what we will lack are the fun images.. the frivolity of fights and battle scars cash register wars. Those days are gone.

RED FRIDAY: Could we have seen the last days of shopping madness

For years it was one of my favorite post-Thanksgiving day traditions: Late at night, going to a mall or local Walmart … watching the madness. Watching the arguments.. seeing people at a high-pitched fever of turkey-filled daze.. as they graze on products from aisle to aisle. Searching for the perfect ‘something’ that would light up … Read moreRED FRIDAY: Could we have seen the last days of shopping madness

Bargain prices: Selling your Thanksgiving night for the night at the races

NIGHT AT THE RACES! The early bird Black Friday specials begin tonight: Thanksgiving » I am half inclined to not care about this Black Friday mayhem.. To a big degree, throughout my teenage and adult life, Thanksgiving night has been boring. Prior to my married and fatherhood days, friends and I would take to the … Read moreBargain prices: Selling your Thanksgiving night for the night at the races

The Sunday morning sidewalk before Thanksgiving 2014

Preparations are being made.. Turkeys are getting set for their pardons. Others are plucked and ready for an oven baked  night of finger licking food. Thanksgiving is set for this week. No stopping it, the calender does not lie and time does not give any extra seconds to get things right.. But things this year … Read moreThe Sunday morning sidewalk before Thanksgiving 2014