Pope Francis has said he is open to married men becoming priests to combat the Roman Catholic Church’s shortage of clergy. In an interview with German newspaper Die Zeit, Pope Francis said the lack of Catholic priests was an “enormous problem” for the Church, and indicated he would be open to a change in the rules governing eligibility for the priesthood. “We need to consider if ‘viri probati’ could be a possibility,” he said. “If so, we would need to determine what duties they could undertake, for example, in remote communities.”

Pope Francis has said he is open to married men becoming priests to combat the Roman Catholic Church’s shortage of clergy. In an interview with German newspaper Die Zeit, Pope Francis said the lack of Catholic priests was an “enormous problem” for the Church, and indicated he would be open to a change in the … Read morePope Francis has said he is open to married men becoming priests to combat the Roman Catholic Church’s shortage of clergy. In an interview with German newspaper Die Zeit, Pope Francis said the lack of Catholic priests was an “enormous problem” for the Church, and indicated he would be open to a change in the rules governing eligibility for the priesthood. “We need to consider if ‘viri probati’ could be a possibility,” he said. “If so, we would need to determine what duties they could undertake, for example, in remote communities.”

Pretty fascinating article from the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC in its December edition: How the Virgin Mary became the most powerful woman in the world.. Along with the article: A map of the world and every location where the Virgin Mary was spotted or sighted, or where she was said to appear to give a message.. places … Read more

The computer belonging to an accountant appointed by the Vatican to clean up the Catholic church’s books has been hacked, Italian media reported Saturday. Libero Milone, whom Pope Francis named the Vatican’s first auditor general in June, has alerted the police to an alleged cyberattack, Turin daily La Stampa said. Vatican police opened an investigation into the matter and suspicions have been raised that it might be an inside job, according to the newspaper.

Jesus Christ was an inside job. So why not hacking being inside, too.. The computer belonging to an accountant appointed by the Vatican to clean up the Catholic church’s books has been hacked, Italian media reported Saturday. Libero Milone, whom Pope Francis named the Vatican’s first auditor general in June, has alerted the police to … Read moreThe computer belonging to an accountant appointed by the Vatican to clean up the Catholic church’s books has been hacked, Italian media reported Saturday. Libero Milone, whom Pope Francis named the Vatican’s first auditor general in June, has alerted the police to an alleged cyberattack, Turin daily La Stampa said. Vatican police opened an investigation into the matter and suspicions have been raised that it might be an inside job, according to the newspaper.

From a Catholic site: 3 beautiful celebrities who quit their lives to become nuns.. This reminds me of a nun we had when I was in high school. She didn’t look at all like the three beautiful celebrities who chose to become cloistered.. Instead, we called her “Sister Bitchass” because that is exactly what she was.

Who built the ark? Noah.. Who won the BOX, brother Noah won the box

Get ready. The box office will be Bible thumping this weekend.. holy times are high, movie theaters will be filled with the faithful, praising Jesus and fearing the almighty, who flooded the world and forever promised not to with a rainbow. And then flooded the world OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Forget the actual … Read moreWho built the ark? Noah.. Who won the BOX, brother Noah won the box

Condoms and coke on the way to the Vatican

Germans seize a massive cocaine shipment on its way to the VATICAN!  Say it so Bergoglio! We know the Pope was once a bouncer. Maybe he hired on some of the folks he bounced..? But even more on that cocaine shipment story: The package sent to the Vatican from a South American country (yes the Pope … Read moreCondoms and coke on the way to the Vatican

Beating the meat: Catholic guilt

I was born into the Catholic guilt .. I distinctly recall being a child and thinking I’d burn in hell because I accidentally ate a chicken finger on a Friday in lent. I think I even tearfully told a priest at my Catholic school mandated confession in my early grade school years. Since then, it … Read moreBeating the meat: Catholic guilt

Christian Aliens among us

I get a feeling that if alien life is going to be announced, it will be coming from religious leaders before the government. That way it would sink in better with people if they heard it from God-like men as opposed to devil-like whores.. And in that regard: The Vatican Observatory is co-hosting a conference in … Read moreChristian Aliens among us