Child sex abuse gangs could have assaulted ONE MILLION youngsters in the UK: Rotherham’s Labour MP Sarah Champion describes it as a “national disaster” and is demanding a taskforce to fight the “horror”

The UK MIRROR running this story by Lucy Thornton.. Among the troubling text, this: In an exclusive interview with the Daily Mirror the shaken MP has told how she ‘nearly lost her mind’ after victims turned to her for help – unable to trust the police or local council.She is currently getting an average of … Read moreChild sex abuse gangs could have assaulted ONE MILLION youngsters in the UK: Rotherham’s Labour MP Sarah Champion describes it as a “national disaster” and is demanding a taskforce to fight the “horror”

From mild mannered child to .. monster of mayhem. And then he smiles and melts your heart..

Ayden Morris is 16 months old. He is amazing. At times it feels like he’s one of the adults, he tries so hard to be independent. He’ll go so far as to hold the cup with his own hands, but in the process rips it out of yours. He will take walks on his own, … Read moreFrom mild mannered child to .. monster of mayhem. And then he smiles and melts your heart..

*Another* new study suggests that autism may be triggered in the womb

The latest in a number of theories as to what causes the distressing ailment to children..This theory is according a study by Stanford University.. They compared cases of autism in identical and fraternal twins and found that fraternal twins – who share only half of the same genes – have unusually high rates of autism. … Read more*Another* new study suggests that autism may be triggered in the womb

My strange and rambling thoughts on being a father in the 21st century

Someone who read this already said it was overly negative. But I present it as a hopeful series of thoughts.. It’s not a fun world, but as a parent, I’m trying .. and making my child’s life the best ever is now the central point of why I am here. Oh the perils of parenthood.. … Read moreMy strange and rambling thoughts on being a father in the 21st century

Government gets its first three subjects from Schuylkill County

A local story of interest to me, and maybe even you.. Three babies have been born in Schuylkill County, PA, and are going to take part in a decades-long government study on children.. The government study, according to the report, intends on asking not why children get sick, but instead why some children are healthier … Read moreGovernment gets its first three subjects from Schuylkill County