2 Serious Accidents at Graffiti Highway Over the Weekend

2 Serious Accidents at Graffiti Highway Over the Weekend 2 Serious Accidents at Graffiti Highway Over the Weekend — Read on coalregioncanary.com/2019/04/08/graffiti-highway-atv-accident/ This story has been filed by the COAL REGION CANARY.. It is a reminder that, a the world gains knowledge about Graffiti Highway, things of this nature may also spike.. It was less … Read more2 Serious Accidents at Graffiti Highway Over the Weekend

Stranger Things: New Life in Centralia under the ground

NOT HUMANS… There is some NEW news from the old mine fire in Centralia for a change.. the town that was is not the town that is for new life forms.. deep underground. Centralia is getting some new press from VERGE in a story written by Cory Zapatka.. This from VERGE: Ashley Shade, an assistant … Read moreStranger Things: New Life in Centralia under the ground

A vivid example of Eastern Pennsylvania forest death!

Just days ago, the Coal Speaker wrote about the Emerald Ash Borer. The tiny, cream-colored EAB larvae hatch from their eggs in mid-summer and chew through the rough outer bark to reach a layer of inner bark, called phloem. Phloem is the tissue used by trees to transport carbohydrates and other nutrients from the canopy down to the roots. The … Read moreA vivid example of Eastern Pennsylvania forest death!