This is an excellent short movie about a robot and a…
This is an excellent short movie about a robot and a scarecrow.. Ahead of its time. from Tumblr
This is an excellent short movie about a robot and a scarecrow.. Ahead of its time. from Tumblr
I completely agree with the BLOODY DISGUSTING blog.. these ads for PS2 (like the one you see here) are just awful.. just sick.. disturbing.. almost too much. But also strangely amazing, beautiful, and memorizing. And I guess that is just how advertising is meant to be… Except this one. This one really hits me the … Read more
Billy Joel shakes off some dust and appears on the TONIGHT SHOW with Jimmy Fallon. And it made for pretty great music and good TV. I saw Billy Joel twice live.. They were shows to remember. My wife wasn’t a fan and grudgingly went to the Hershey PA show a few years ago. She instantly became … Read more
…if you believe there is a man on the moon… Are there ‘pockets of life’ on the MOON?
Science fiction becomes science fact.. More proof of something I have long believed about life on this planet: We know absolutely nothing, and everything we consider fact is only fact long enough until more evidence comes forth to disprove it.. Amazing stuff. Must be a portal. NASA Discovers Hidden Portals In Earth’s Magnetic Field
This amazing video from NASA shows dancing tornadoes on the sun.. and when I see something like this it makes me realize that we, as humans, may think we understand everything but really, actually, understand next to nothing. (Source:
Reuters: A monster black hole shredded a Sun-like star, producing a strangely long-lasting flash of gamma rays that probably won’t be seen again in a million years, astronomers reported on Thursday