The other pandemic: Suicide
Japan has real time numbers showing high suicide numbers. What will happen in the rest of the world?
Japan has real time numbers showing high suicide numbers. What will happen in the rest of the world?
A strange subset of people are emerging.. losing hair, losing teeth. About 5% or so of those who get COVID not only don’t recover, but instead carry strange symptoms for the “long haul.” With the virus being new, it is difficult to tell just how long the “long haul” will be for this subset of those afflicted.
The COVID-19 vaccine may be a tough sell..
So many days in 2020 felt like a routine but mundane nightmare. Moments of the day occurred when it felt dreamlike, but one where a pinch did not wake you from the dreadful impact of the coronavirus.
So it is only appropriate that 2021’s Groundhog Day is already being affected
President Donald Trump’s doctors did little to calm nerves as a new week begins.. Trump remains in Walter Reed being treated for COVID-19..
Critics abound.. as do rumors of the President’s fears
In the midst of the media mania, White House official Alyssa Farah says power has not been transferred to Vice President Pence.
“The President is in charge,” she said, adding she is not aware of any additional coronavirus cases.
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The President is in charge. Let that statement sink in.. dwell on those words to consider just what state of affairs, and what a nail biter of a moment we are in .. American history textbooks will undoubtedly speak of this year. But they will also capture this very day. This day that we all have lived through..
The nation’s school system has been tasked with figuring out how to educate the youth of our country.. Online? A mix in between?
Each district has been choosing different schemes.
But the harder part has been college: Dorm life. Party life. Sex lives.
All of those mixtures coupled with a hundred-year pandemic has given college educators and administrators the toughest syllabus in a generation.
Schools are set to start in the fall of 2020. We think.. We wonder.. we hope.
Nurses get ready.
It’s going to be a bumpy ride……
Just as we are watching the rise of COVID-19 cases, some are speculating that we are witnessing the rise of COVID-20!
According to CNN reporting just days ago, a new ‘unknown’ strain of coronavirus is even worse.. even deadlier.. and you will not test positive for any COVID-19 tests that are run..
Kfood, Kfun and Kface coverings! On a day when Pennsylvania issued an order forcing a mask in all public places!
Knoebels was forced to go to the socials to offer up a new policy, one more strict and direct: No mask? No entry!
The mask slackers were put on notice!