Today’s main event: The Rumblr on Tumblr

There’s a rumblr on Tumblr..the new billion dollar man is coming to us from the tech world. Yahoo! is shelling out over $1 bil for the blogging service Tumblr. Some users are concerned.. After all, it seems anything corporate Yahoo! gets its hands on fails or gets forgotten.. Also interesting, David Karp, the founder of … Read moreToday’s main event: The Rumblr on Tumblr

Mr Karp, are you willing to answer a few things? 1) what do you think of SOPA and other related attempts to censor? 2) what do you think of Google’s new policy to censor their blogger accounts? 3) will Tumblr ever be censored? and 4) do bloggers own their own content on Tumblr? Something I … Read more

Tumblr is allowing people to pay to promote posts.

Which is interesting and perhaps good marketing.. though I am not sure how many teenage girls will want to promote their odd cat animated gifs. Nonetheless.. Tumblr is trying it out.  So while Google and Twitter plan to censor posts, I have only to wonder if David Karp will eventually travel down the same 21st … Read moreTumblr is allowing people to pay to promote posts.

David Karp

zainyk said: Stop posing for magazine covers, stop taking pictures of your dinner and your moped, stop telling us inane anecdotes about what your girlfriend found funny about a sock or some such shit, AND FIX YOUR FUCKING WEBSITE.  I have to say: Agreed. The basic database structure of Tumblr seems quite awry.. Even tonight on … Read moreDavid Karp