Do all religions worship the same God?

Do Muslims and Christians worship the same god? College suspends professor who said yes.: Wheaton College, a prominent evangelical school in Illinois, has placed a professor on administrative leave after she posted on Facebook that Muslims and Christians “worship the same God.” The official school statement Tuesday about associate professor of political science Larycia Hawkins’s … Read moreDo all religions worship the same God?

Belgium Weighs Extending Euthanasia Law for Kids

Here’s something controversial to ponder while you sit indoors during a snowstorm.. allowing sick children to opt to kill themselves.   I’d add in the ole ‘slippery slope’ argument..  I’d also say, if you’re for assisted suicide for adults, how do you make a distinction based on age? There are so many moral implications and … Read moreBelgium Weighs Extending Euthanasia Law for Kids

To the moon Newt

Of all of the things said tonight in the 19TH GOP debate (19!?) the moon conversation was the most interesting.. And I found myself cheering on ….. NEWT GINGRICH. We should be on the moon. If we are not already.. and for goodness sakes if you listen to Richard Hoagland we already have a base … Read moreTo the moon Newt