Belgium Weighs Extending Euthanasia Law for Kids

Here’s something controversial to ponder while you sit indoors during a snowstorm.. allowing sick children to opt to kill themselves.  

I’d add in the ole ‘slippery slope’ argument.. 

I’d also say, if you’re for assisted suicide for adults, how do you make a distinction based on age?

There are so many moral implications and question.. so many reasons to argue.. And so many sick children …

And in the United States, the kids aren’t alright: They are more upset and depressed than their adult peers. 

On that note, if you’re for assisted suicide for children, what limit would you impose.. only sick? or sick and tired..

So many issues and so many problems with this.

Sounding the alarm to my Catholic and atheist readers alike: What say you all!?

Belgium Weighs Extending Euthanasia Law for Kids