The secret about the JFK files: The president is thought to have intended to release all of the documents. But at the very last minute, US spy services forced him to leave some of them out, citing national security concerns. But the notable missing documents – about 300 of them – have now become the … Read moreThe secret about the JFK files
Trump ‘unhappy’ with redactions to JFK files: Trump agreed to the second option, while also requiring agencies to conduct a secondary review of the information they believed should be redacted within 180 days. But Trump was still miffed by his decision. “He was unhappy with the level of redactions,” a White House official said, adding … Read moreTrump ‘unhappy’ with redactions to JFK files
Yesterday Roger Stone appeared on Alex Jones’ Infowars to announce he spoke to President Trump about the secret JFK documents. Stone told Trump they should be released to the public, despite the CIA and other alphabet agencies asserting their opposition.. Today on Twitter, Trump made the call: “Subject to the receipt of further information, I will … Read moreTRUMP MAKES THE CALL: SECRET JFK FILES WILL BE RELEASED
One of these Melanias is not like the other .. Is there a stand in First Lady?! from Tumblr
WAR OVER THE CALL: President Donald Trump has come under fire for his ‘insensitive’ choice of words when speaking to the pregnant widow of one of the four U.S. Special Forces soldiers killed in Niger. Trump phoned Myeshia Johnson on Tuesday afternoon to give his condolences over the death of her husband Sgt. La David Johnson, according … Read moreWAR OVER THE CALL
Remember that image and video of Donald Trump throwing paper towels to hurricane victims in Puerto Rico? He is now explaining why he did it.. …..Presidents just want to have fun.. In a wide-ranging interview with Mike Huckabee that aired Saturday on the Trinity Broadcasting Network, Mr. Trump recalled throwing paper towels and other goods into a crowd of … Read moreThrowing in the towel: Presidents just want to have fun
The other day, President Donald Trump met with military leaders and their spouses at the White House.. Out of no where–as he does either in person or on Twitter–he blurted out a comment citing that their meeting was the calm before the storm. Reporters were stunned.. aghast! What storm!? What calm! It’s been calm? While … Read moreThe Calm Before the Storm: Category 5 Donald
Trump at dinner with military members and spouses: ‘Maybe it’s the calm before the storm’ : Washington (CNN)While taking photos alongside military leaders and their spouses before a dinner at the White House, President Donald Trump made an ambiguous statement, citing “the calm before the storm.” “You guys know what this represents? Maybe it’s the … Read moreTrump at dinner with military members and spouses: ‘Maybe it’s the calm before the storm’
Suddenly America’s past time has divided the nation–or the President talking about it.. This past week, Donald Trump loudly stated that players who take needs during national anthems should be FIIIIIIRRREEEDDDD!….. And this weekend? Many NFL players locked arms or kneeled in solidarity against the President, causing a new national fervor about the biggest game … Read moreSunday night knees