NEW HAMPSHIRE RESULTS: The establishment loses

Pundits are going to opine within the next several hours about what the results of tonight’s NEW HAMPSHIRE primary means.. in the mean time, I will reflect a bit on what it means.. It means that a 74-year-old socialist from Vermont is appealing to people in a nation that once wanted to elect another socialist … Read moreNEW HAMPSHIRE RESULTS: The establishment loses

Two sides to every scandal

Donald Trump got trashed for diminishing John McCain’s war hero status (then his polls went UP).. But there may have been and either unintended or intended consequence to the brouhaha… Now some are re-looking at some longstanding oddities over McCain and his attempts to conceal some POW related items about Vietnam.. A report worth reading … Read moreTwo sides to every scandal

Ron Paul makes the call: Dumps Trump..

A hair-raising development in the much anticipated and much dreaded Donald Trump ‘presidential’ debate: Ron Paul will NOT be there..  Paul’s campaign released a statement that the debate itself was ‘beneath’ the office of the presidency.. The Paul campaign bluntly put it this way: The selection of a reality television personality to host a presidential debate … Read moreRon Paul makes the call: Dumps Trump..