I missed the ‘dope show’.. but I will surely have to download today

John B. Wells, who should now be the main host on Coast since Art Bell won’t be coming back, had an interested subject matter last night, just in time for 420: The Dope Show. But the concept was interesting, and something no doubt many would believe in. That marijuana could be a great American money maker, … Read moreI missed the ‘dope show’.. but I will surely have to download today

The city of Boston being rocked by a scandal now as city administrators realize that potentially thousands have been wrongly convicted of drug crimes

This story has been festering in Boston media for weeks now. It’s becoming a bigger story. As it deserves to be. The city of Boston being rocked by a scandal now as city administrators realize that potentially thousands have been wrongly convicted of drug crimes

Bath salts that don’t clean

So… as usual, my local news just opened up, yet again, with another cautionary tale of mindless zombie teenagers getting high, and dying, on bath salts. Yes, indeed, this  new phase of drug addiction is interesting–but particularly bothersome at the same time. It shows that, without question, the kids aren’t alright. No one just wants … Read moreBath salts that don’t clean

Stay off the crack, drink chocolate milk and enjoy every moment – that’s all I’ve got Charlie Sheen’s advice to students as reported here: Charlie Sheen warns students off drugs and to stick to chocolate milkshake I think we all can agree with Charlie Sheen’s milk advice. Although I don’t expect to see him on … Read more