A panel appointed by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo recommended on Wedesday that the minimum wage be raised for employees of fast-food chain restaurants throughout the state to $15 an hour. Wages would first be raised in New York City and then the rest of the state.

More from the New York TIMES.. A panel appointed by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo recommended on Wedesday that the minimum wage be raised for employees of fast-food chain restaurants throughout the state to $15 an hour. Wages would first be raised in New York City and then the rest of the state.

China is going to build a $242 billion (1.5 trillion yuan) high-speed rail link between Beijing and Moscow. The line will cut the journey time from five to ‘two days’, say Chinese authorities.

This is amazing news… and it should have been something America did first.. I long thought that one of the best initiatives President Obama could have done immediately in 2009 was to plan for a comprehensive high speed railway across the nation–a new Interstate system al-la- Eisenhower..  It could have changed America. Revolutionized travel.. Ate … Read moreChina is going to build a $242 billion (1.5 trillion yuan) high-speed rail link between Beijing and Moscow. The line will cut the journey time from five to ‘two days’, say Chinese authorities.

Father and son photographic reunion..

When I was 3 and a half, I was featured in a book. There was a full-spread page with a photo of me leaning up against a borehole in the town of Centralia, smoke was billowing from the background and a group of teenagers were running from the camera–one may have been my brother. The … Read moreFather and son photographic reunion..

The Next Big Social Idea: Unconditional Basic Income

The fundamental theory behind this new social idea: Unconditional Basic Income. The UBI is a monthly monetary income granted every month, unconditionally, by a political community to each of its members from birth. Depending on the nation, in Europe and the U.S. it would probably be $2,500 per adult and $1,500 per child. It must … Read moreThe Next Big Social Idea: Unconditional Basic Income

The next social experiment: Wage floor

The Next Big Social Idea: Unconditional Basic Income » The fundamental theory behind this new social idea: Unconditional Basic Income. The UBI is a monthly monetary income granted every month, unconditionally, by a political community to each of its members from birth. Depending on the nation, in Europe and the U.S. it would probably be … Read moreThe next social experiment: Wage floor

The Sunday best at Sears: The retail nightmare before Christmas

MORE Sears and KMart stores closing before Christmas.. Not even nipple slips could save them now.. the latest numbers show one troubling sign, financial analysts will tell us. If SEARS will close many of these stores and lay off thousands of workers prior to Christmas, the typical best time of year, then doesn’t that portend a … Read moreThe Sunday best at Sears: The retail nightmare before Christmas