The Fed’s Confusing Message About Interest Rate Increases

FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES: Economists always warn, correctly, not to make too much of any single economic report, but rather to analyze new information in terms of longer-term trends. At the same time, Federal Reserve officials, up to and including Fed chair and ace economist Janet Yellen, keep saying they will raise interest rates … Read moreThe Fed’s Confusing Message About Interest Rate Increases

So…If we make it through December we’ll be fine?

Just when you thought the only thing to fear in December 2012 was the end of the Mayan calender and subsequent apocalypses, enter into the news fray this item of importance: Ben Bernanke is warning the nation of impending doom. A ‘fiscal cliff’ .. coming in January 2013…right as the new years eve ball (hopefully) … Read moreSo…If we make it through December we’ll be fine?

Here’s a fun tidbit to ponder for the weekend: During the worst financial crisis in decades, foreign banks got the biggest bang for the buck — and Ben Bernanke stayed quiet (and became the TIME mag person of the year as well!)

Here’s a fun tidbit to ponder for the weekend: During the worst financial crisis in decades, foreign banks got the biggest bang for the buck — and Ben Bernanke stayed quiet (and became the TIME mag person of the year as well!)