Just when your body thought it was safe, this comes along: Cap’n Crunch and Taco Bell are teaming up for a gooey new dessert.  My stomach nearly turned to rot when I read the headline alone..

If I eat 2700 calories a day, a quarter of that is Coca-Cola. I drink at least five 12-ounce servings. I do it everyday Warren Buffet, explaining how he stays alive Don’t think Michelle Obama would appreciate it.But he could be the new face for the ‘got sugar?’ campaign..

Now healthy eating is a mental disorder? POPSCI says: Striving For The Perfect Diet Is Making Us Sick

Call me a bit of a paranoid conspiracy theorist, but when I see articles critical of people who are attempting to get a little healthier and eat better, all I can think of is some sugar-selling CEO from ‘Name your GMO company’ giving talking points to clueless reporters just trying to get a clickbait article … Read moreNow healthy eating is a mental disorder? POPSCI says: Striving For The Perfect Diet Is Making Us Sick

Clear evidence that the United States serves garbage to children in school lunches

Since the 80s the entire program was turned to waste. Nothing improved even with newer guidelines. The sugar industry had too much say… sick examples are presented here when the Daily Mail compares the US school lunches to cash strapped nation… Clear evidence that the United States serves garbage to children in school lunches

I highly encourage everyone who hasn’t seen FED UP to watch it..

Suddenly, after my viewing, I feel like a very irresponsible parent.. Here I am, a lover of food and cooking my own meals.. but at the same time in a constant battle with my child about how he should eat. He is about to turn four–and I worry some of the bad habits have already … Read moreI highly encourage everyone who hasn’t seen FED UP to watch it..

‘Future of Food’

PBS series ‘Food Forward’ centers on one question: How did something as fundamental as food go so fundamentally wrong? Looks like a good documentary.. I hope the information presented will occur. I want my generation and the one coming after me to make food better, healthier, fresher, and cleaner.. It’s a hope. ‘Future of Food’

Eat Like An Okinawan & Live Until You’re 100

That headline is probably deceptive.. there are a multitude of reasons, along with heredity that compels a body to live to a ripe old age. But a few things that are doing right in Okinawa consist of these simple principles:  Little added sugar Low fat.. HIGH potassium Nutrients Fiber So eat that way.You may not … Read moreEat Like An Okinawan & Live Until You’re 100