Organic Fish May Soon be Coming and it is a HORRIBLE Idea
Good honest read from a proponent of organic who is horrified by what USDA organic fish may mean.. Organic Fish May Soon be Coming and it is a HORRIBLE Idea
Good honest read from a proponent of organic who is horrified by what USDA organic fish may mean.. Organic Fish May Soon be Coming and it is a HORRIBLE Idea
New study finds that BPA may have a direct and immediate impact on your cardiovascular health. I am not surprised that there is more medical evidence compounding the already clear dangers of BPA exposure in humans. And don’t forget: Every time you drink from a can or plastic bottle, you’re exposing your heart. When you … Read moreBPA exposure linked to quick rise in blood pressure
For anyone who wants to try. I am going to this year.. I am craving to grow my own stuff. I don’t want to slaughter my own meat yet. Maybe in 2015. Incremental steps to self-sufficiency. I’m not going all “Jesse Ventura” and just going nuts. How to build a raised garden bed
This is how hot dogs are made. My friend sent me the video.. I am not a hot dog eater, unless there’s that guilty moment during a hot summer barbecue when you pile ketchup and raw onions on one and devour it.. Nonetheless, for the good of the order, here’s the way we get our … Read more
I was born into the Catholic guilt .. I distinctly recall being a child and thinking I’d burn in hell because I accidentally ate a chicken finger on a Friday in lent. I think I even tearfully told a priest at my Catholic school mandated confession in my early grade school years. Since then, it … Read moreBeating the meat: Catholic guilt
I am a little bit of it Altoids addict, I pop them like candy. Well I guess they are candy, but they are curiously strong candies that I seem to have no version eating one after the other the entire tin cans gone. So that is why my wife figured it would be good to … Read moreA painful sugarfree stomach
As opposed to….?
Finished product looking fiiiiiine
My newest masterpiece: Kale scampi in the works. Oh, and French fries for Ayden..
I don’t know what I did really…