When Friday night lights turn dark

The raw emotion of Friday night football is ingrained in the souls of people across the coal region of Pennsylvania.. They call this Friday night lights.. there is a cold chill as the season ages.. boilo is abundant.. People are jammed in bleachers in football stadiums across various high schools. Those Friday night lights turned … Read moreWhen Friday night lights turn dark

The “Bird flu” Bowl: The Eagles get contaminated!

The term #FluGate suddenly is trending on Twitter… From the NY POST: It’s so bad that an ESPN report — revealing that the dreaded virus has stricken Philadelphia Eagles starters Tim Jernigan, Ronald Darby and Mychal Kendricks — set off a ­#flugate conspiracy-theory free-for-all on Twitter. “Damn, Bill Belichick planting flu in our players now?” one ardent … Read moreThe “Bird flu” Bowl: The Eagles get contaminated!

The Steelers/Bengals game turned into a chaotic farce of football Saturday night..  Paul Doughterty, a sports writer from Ohio, expresses the feelings of a nation who watched the dangerous game:  Too many stupid things happened. Passion has its place in football. Reckless stupidity does not. I won’t go into detail about the game, its frantic … Read more

Kenney Bui, Evergreen High School Football Player, Dies From Game Injury

Highline Public Schools said in a statement that Kenney Bui, a senior at Evergreen High School, was “critically injured” during Friday night’s game. He underwent surgery at Harborview Medical Center but died late Monday morning, the school district said. I’ve said some anti football commentary on here before and got some not so positive feedback … Read moreKenney Bui, Evergreen High School Football Player, Dies From Game Injury

ABC NEWS: The Shocking Dangers of High School Football // MORE: New Jersey high school star quarterback Evan Murray died of an abdominal hemorrhage caused by a lacerated spleen.

And this reporting from FOX NEWS on the subject: A star New Jersey high school quarterback who collapsed and died after receiving a heavy hit during a Friday night football game was a victim of internal bleeding caused by a ruptured spleen, an autopsy revealed Monday. Morris County Medical Examiner Ronald Suarez noted in his … Read moreABC NEWS: The Shocking Dangers of High School Football // MORE: New Jersey high school star quarterback Evan Murray died of an abdominal hemorrhage caused by a lacerated spleen.

The fix is in: Someone’s got balls.

Sports at its best: FIXED and fun. Coach Bill Belichick says he has no ideas why 11 of the 12 PATRIOTS footballs were deflated for the game last Sunday.. He took reporters questions, but quite frankly didn’t really answer them. He said he was shocked to learn about the footballs on Monday morning.. Since the Monday … Read moreThe fix is in: Someone’s got balls.

The Patriots may have deflated footballs in DeflateGate scandal

All the world’s a stage.. and the players are merely players. In sports, all the world’s a fix, and the schmucks are those who don’t think so.. From the world of football today, there is some big news called DeflateGate.. A source is telling reporters that the PATRIOTS may have deflated footballs in their 45-7 … Read moreThe Patriots may have deflated footballs in DeflateGate scandal