These are three telling headlines in today’s POTTSVILLE REPUBLICAN AND HERALD.. A factory closing, a school having issues, and yet another store in the Frackville Schuylkill Mall shutting doors..  There was an old adage about the coal region of Pennsylvania: There’s a church and bar on every street corner. These days the churches have shuddered … Read more

The coal region gets a black eye for lack of things to do .. but this new thing to do is pretty cool

In your face America: The Coal Region has something that few others do. (Besides mounds of rock and leftover sulfur rivers from abandoned coal mines of course) A digital drive in! That’s right, The Schuylkill Mall in Frackville, PA, will have a digital drive in as of August 12.. There were only four of these in … Read moreThe coal region gets a black eye for lack of things to do .. but this new thing to do is pretty cool

You’ll never know where you’ll find a meth lad these days! It could be.. your backyard.. It could be a restaurant that has a hotel over top—a restaurant with a cute little grandmother figure standing outside watching for danger. This one, unfortunately, passed granny by. The site: Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania; Frackville. Granny’s Motel: Cops swooped … Read more