As if you didn’t think the Art Bell return  to radio was interesting enough, in comes this: First Coast to Coast AM began trying to steal guests away from DARK MATTER, but now this: Ronnie Foster and Laura Mistyeah told Art Bell last night that they were also booked for an appearance on Coast to … Read moreGHOST BUSTER GALS SPILL THE BEANS

Don’t go into the light.. and other weird tales at night.

Those who know me or follow this site will vouch for me: I love paranormal radio. Art Bell, Clyde Lewis.. sometimes George Noory.. seldom John Wells. Nonetheless, my mind is just blown away by the nightly prospects of flipping back and forth from Clyde to Art over and over..  Last night Art Bell had a … Read moreDon’t go into the light.. and other weird tales at night.

For a brief moment in time, Art Bell linked to Coal Speaker. Allow me to be proud of that for a minute..

Check out .. there’s something brewing there even more than before.. Letters in the words ‘Wanna take a ride?“ are linking to YouTube videos. I frequent the forum. While I was soundly sleeping last night on the East Coast, someone in the high desert chose to link! That’s right.. and I missed … Read moreFor a brief moment in time, Art Bell linked to Coal Speaker. Allow me to be proud of that for a minute..


Those who have been paying any attention to ARTBELL.COM will now notice that the website not only has a sound effect in the background, but also text morse code on the page.. The code reads as follows: .– .- -. -. .-      – .- -.- .      .-      .-. .. -.. . ..–.. Some savy internet users immediately realized that the hidden code would be discerned quickly at .. it appears that … Read moreWANNTATAKEARIDE?

You read that headline correct, radio great Art Bell has now joined Twitter. He even joking this Facebook page, but finally he has arrived into 2013 now that he is excepted the newest form of short phrases and brief new snippets.. Meanwhile the website maintains three red white and blue exclamation points, causing some … Read more