Cumulus dropping Coast to Coast AM in multiple markets

This is a pretty big deal for those who like the radio that talks about strange bumps in the night–but maybe also not surprising just as well. “Red Eye Radio” is replacing Coast to Coast AM with George Noory is multiple markets. There is a lot to this new change in a lineup. However, regardless … Read moreCumulus dropping Coast to Coast AM in multiple markets

If you’re bored tonight, there may be nothing better than to listen to Linda Moulton Howe talk about cattle mutilations. No better way to spend a Thursday night/Friday morning than that..

If you’re bored tonight, there may be nothing better than to listen to Linda Moulton Howe talk about cattle mutilations. No better way to spend a Thursday night/Friday morning than that..

Not sure if anyone listened to Coast to Coast AM last night..

But if you did you would have heard Dr. Gregg Korbon share the story of how his 9 year old son, Brian, predicted his own death with remarkable accuracy.. It was moving, amazing.. and mysterious. Despite critics’ comments of George Noory many have, last night’s show why Coast to Coast AM could still matter.

For those who would be interested…

…last night’s Coast to Coast AM project, hosted by Ian Punett, had a pretty interesting topic: A professor discussed how the primitive, animalistic underside of human nature, with its sexual fantasies and homicidal tendencies, has actually given rise to the most positive features of our race. It’s worth listening to if you should do be … Read moreFor those who would be interested…