Nursing home haunts

Paper reports of paranormal activity in Michigan nursing home.. report indicates that staff often see those who have died, now even expecting visits from those who pass away in home..  Money quote from the article: “On Sunday, Aug. 22, 2010, another caregiver at the assisted living center, whom we will address as Amanda, was working … Read moreNursing home haunts

The boy in the hospital room: A story that challenges my skepticism

Before you read this, it should be noted that I am a truly skeptical person, but not skeptical to the point where I do not believe there are numerous possibilities.. Skepticism aside, I was talking to a friend last night when I encountered a very chilling moment. Let me first set the stage. Stay with … Read moreThe boy in the hospital room: A story that challenges my skepticism

Field of screams: Some believe that a ghostly presence made itself known on Tuesday at the College World Series.. according to reports – and video evidence– University of North Carolina players were in the outfield attempting to catch a ball when suddenly two appeared to trip over nothing..Media sources are having fun laughing about the trip up, … Read more

Reblogging this image from asylums- because of just how much it creeped me out..: Harrisburg State Hospital beds The thought of these old sanitariums and ‘nut houses’ as they once were called freak me out, to my core.. Maybe too many stories of abuse or ghost haunts.. But this image is lonely, sad, and chilling.