HBO Hackers Leak Top Executive’s Emails!

HBO Hackers Leak Top Executive’s Emails!: The hacker or hackers behind the HBO data breach have posted online a publicly accessible link to a cache of internal documents, including a script summary of an upcoming Game of Thrones episode and a month’s worth of emails from the inbox of one of the company’s executives. The … Read moreHBO Hackers Leak Top Executive’s Emails!

Computer possession 

THE BBC is running an amazing report authored by David Robson.. The premise: Hunans can become possessed by AI.. The money quite:  Science fiction – including the recent TV series Humans – has long questioned whether robots could one day integrate in our society, to the point we no longer make a distinction between who … Read moreComputer possession 

Shock new SONY leak: State Department official and RAND Corp OK’d the ending of THE INTERVIEW

The DAILY BEAST is reporting this news in fresh runs: Several emails now unearthed show how mightily political THE INTERVIEW was–so much so that the State Department played a key role in the inclusion of the film’s final gruesome death scene! MORE FROM THE DAILY BEAST: The Daily Beast has unearthed several emails that reveal … Read moreShock new SONY leak: State Department official and RAND Corp OK’d the ending of THE INTERVIEW


Last night we reported that Seth Rogen and James Franco canceled public appearances in the wake of the SONY hacker threat attacks on movie theaters that showed movie THE INTERVIEW. Now, only days before the planned Christmas day release of the North Korea parody film, SONY’s screening of the movie at Landmark’s Sunshine Cinema in … Read more‘THE INTERVIEW’ PREMIERE IN NEW YORK CITY CALLED OFF


CARMIKE CINEMAS DROPS ‘THE INTERVIEW’! X X X MICHAEL LYNTON’S INBOX REVEALED! The aftermath of the SONY hack is getting worse.. Not only is the company reeling from the incredible loss of trust that actors and big money players have in the company, but now the film that caused this furor is being affected. The … Read moreMOVIE HOUSES WONDER: SHOULD WE DROP ‘THE INTERVIEW’?

Sony baloney or a Christmas nightmare?

The Sony hackers are now hinting that terror attacks could take place at theaters that show “The Interview” For several weeks now, Sony has battled leaks and other public relations disasters that have developed in the aftermath of the big hack attack which took place on their company… This website asked the question: is this … Read moreSony baloney or a Christmas nightmare?

Sony suspends filming. And lots of other sordid truths now streaming out after hack attack

Sony Pictures, which made the James Bond and Spider-Man films has abandoned shoots after hackers crippled its computers and leaked four films This is huge..The news is being submitted to the masses by THE TIMES in the UK.. The reason, so the story goes, is because all of the hacking implications have now led SONY … Read moreSony suspends filming. And lots of other sordid truths now streaming out after hack attack


Sony suspends filming. And lots of other sordid truths now streaming out after hack attack » Sony Pictures, which made the James Bond and Spider-Man films has abandoned shoots after hackers crippled its computers and leaked four films This is huge.. The news is being submitted to the masses by THE TIMES in the UK.. … Read moreTHE GUARDIANS OF ANARCHY: HOW A SONY HACK CAN CHANGE THE WORLD OF WAR

2 Million More Passwords for Facebook, Google, Twitter, Other Sites Were Stolen and Posted to the Net

And clearly, people have no had adequate training on how to create a password. Here are examples of leaked ‘secret’ codes.. 123456 123456789 password admin 12345678 qwerty 1234567 111111 photoshop 123123 1234567890 000000 abc123 1234 adobe1 macromedia azerty iloveyou aaaaaa 654321 This is the best you can do, citizens of the planet? ! 2 Million … Read more2 Million More Passwords for Facebook, Google, Twitter, Other Sites Were Stolen and Posted to the Net

A reason for few posts this weekend: I was a little concerned about the Tumblr security breach

But Tumblr responded to the worrying security issue: We’re triple checking everything and bringing in outside auditors to confirm, but we have no reason to believe that anything was compromised. We’re certain that none of your personal information (passwords, etc.) was exposed, and your blog is backed up and safe as always. This was an … Read moreA reason for few posts this weekend: I was a little concerned about the Tumblr security breach